Another Way of Looking at the Corona Virus treatment in Hyderabad

We are all concerned about this virus. We are scared and unsure of what we should do to prepare or what is needed to avoid it and how we and our families will survive if we catch it. This is normal, but despite all of this, I am surprised that there seems to be little mention of God in this situation.

If any of you have read the Bible, you are aware of plagues, famines, and disasters. They were often intended to bring the children of God back to reality. To help them recognize that they were destroying themselves with bad habits. They needed to have their eyes open before they destroyed themselves. In other words, these plagues were often intended to help save God’s children. If they changed their ways and returned to living righteously, they would be saved.

Thinking about this, I wonder if this virus isn’t one of the ways that God has made it possible for all of us to look at ourselves and recognize that maybe we need to make changes in our own lives.

This surprised me. Today. how many people say they don’t believe there is a God. How many people have abandoned their faith, religion and spiritual beliefs and have chosen to follow the ways of the world. How quickly and easily they find excuses for their decision. All the fingers indicate the reasons they choose to walk away. How easy it is to turn your back on God and not believe!

If you read in the Scriptures when people left, it’s because they got to a point of pride and prosperity and it seems decided that they no longer needed God. It seems to be a cycle that keeps repeating itself. We are now in this cycle. At the top of the cycle where life is good. We don’t need much. We are quite prosperous, in most cases. We have everything we want and have no major needs. I speak on behalf of the company in which I am currently. It is enough to look at the habits of many, if not most. The 10 commandments mean nothing.

What do they say? In Exodus 20. Briefly – Love the Lord, do not take the Lord’s name in vain, keep the Sabbath day holy, honor their father and mother, will not kill, commit adultery, steal, will not bear false witness (lie), will not covet (will or envy someone else)

Please read them. As a society – where are we at? As I said before, more and more people say they don’t believe in God, swearing is common. What are we doing on Sunday? Families fall apart, adultery? Common place, to steal, to kill? Our prisons are full of all those who got caught! And the others? False testimony – Politics? Covet? – Are you following the Jones?

Just a few examples.

Are we a nation right here in the United States? I do not think so.

Are we righteous individuals? We each need to look at ourselves and our own choices!

In my opinion, as a society, we are rather lost.

What has God done in the past to societies that seem quite similar to ours – like the days of Noah – Sodom and Gomorra? – He did things, either to destroy them, or He gave them a second chance,

Is this virus a second chance? Do we have the opportunity to assess our lives and become aware of the changes we need to make in our personal lives? Or are we so ripe in evil that we will destroy ourselves?

We are all going to die, at some point. Think about it.

I believe this virus is our second chance to turn our lives around. When we leave this earth, shouldn’t we all be in accord with God?

If we manage to stay, then shouldn’t we start living as God has asked us to?

I am looking at this virus as my second chance.

Another Way of Looking at the Corona Virus treatment in Hyderabad

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