Living in Hyderabad With Novel Corona Virus or COVID 19 – A Wishful Thinking

Now that the new corona virus has become normal in our contemporary lifetimes, there is no way out but to live with it. In my previous article titled “ Living with the New Corona Virus or Covid 19 ”, which was posted here a few weeks ago, I just explained the preliminary precautions to be taken while living with the new corona virus or Covid 19. This was just a brief note explaining the defensive methods by which one can avoid the possibility of a new corona virus attack.

However, here my intention is much broader.

I am not here to elucidate the scientific or medical assessment of the current situation, which is the creation of the new corona virus. I am not here to explain the guidelines put forward by expert medical professionals or by the WHO.

I wish to address the entire world community to affirm my thesis, as well as to implore everyone to work for the improvement of human life. I am here just to crave human bonds.

May the new corona virus (Covid 19) become a twist of fate; let us take this opportunity as a practical chance to unite, at least mentally. Yep, this new corona virus gave us the much-desired break! Let us unite, forget all regional, national and religious barriers and become partners in building a new global community. Remember that when such a pandemic occurs, humans are on one side and the enemy on the other. This practical truth simply explains that we all belong to one class, namely the human race. The new corona virus has taught us this fact forcefully.

Let our children breathe the fresh air; leave them a more human character than us. Let them become CITIZENS OF THE WORLD rather than narrow nationalists. Restricted nationalism means restricted humanism, and restricted humanism means sophisticated or disguised barbarism.

By restricted nationalism, I mean reducing oneself to oneself, to the few alphabets of one’s name, one’s religion, one’s country, rather than thinking on par with Aristotle’s famous quote: “Man is an animal. social”. Let’s start thinking big; let us throw away the undesirable modes of thought, imbued with petty regionalism or religionalism. Let’s get out of language barriers; let’s free our minds and become one entity!

After all, we are human and we can admit it! We have to admit that we are all human. We all belong to one ethnic group; we belong to a family, which means we are all human. We can take the opportunity offered by the new corona virus for our improvement, the improvement of our human society.

Please understand that human life is very fragile. As we now know, even the smallest of the tiny viruses, the new corona virus, Covid 19, which cannot be spotted with the naked eye, is capable of wiping out human existence! You don’t need any artificial destruction mechanism to devastate our pretty globe!

See what happens to the existing social scenario! The schools have ceased to function! All religious institutions remain closed! Pragmatically, human life has become more or less paralyzed! People are afraid to move freely in the streets! Also, there is an official ban on doing this in some countries! Officially, they call it “lockdown”. Fear has gripped everyone, and everywhere you can see an air of uncertainty.

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